Course curriculum

    1. Welcome from New Writing South

    2. How to get the Most Out of this Course

    3. How to navigate this course

    4. Setting an Intention

    1. Video 1

    2. Introduction

    3. Video 2

    4. Defining Nature

    5. Nature and You

    6. Nature and Nature Writing

    1. Video 3

    2. Tuning In/Switching Off

    3. Developing a Vocabulary

    4. Developing Your Patch Work

    1. Video 4

    2. The Pastoral

    3. The Romantic

    4. Landscapes of Opposition

    1. Video 5

    2. The Anthropocene

    3. A Human World?

    4. A World Without Us

    5. The Future of Nature Writing

    1. Here's What We've Covered

    2. Next Steps

    3. You and Your Course

    4. Resources

    5. What you can do next at New Writing South

About this course

  • £75.00
  • Lessons and Downloadable Worksheets
  • Video Content