Course curriculum

    1. Welcome from New Writing South

    2. How to Get the Most Out of this Course

    3. How to Navigate this Course

    4. Setting an Intention

    1. What is 'Experimental Writing'?

    2. What makes a piece of writing experimental?

    3. The challenges and rewards of experimental writing

    4. Why do you want to write experimentally?

    1. Constraints

    2. Unrelated (or are they?!) Narrative Threads

    3. Texts Pretending to be Other Texts

    4. The Letter Form

    1. ‘We’ – the first person plural

    2. Consciousness and the Limits of ‘Realist’ Literature

    3. Unlikely Narrators

    1. Fictionalised Memoir

    2. The Memoir-Essay

    3. The Verse Novel

    4. Novel-within-a-novel

    1. Here's What We've Covered

    2. Next Steps

    3. You and Your Course

    4. Resources

    5. What You Can Do Next at New Writing South

About this course

  • £75
  • Lessons and exercises
  • Video Content